"Accepting, Handling, and Growing Through Frustration"
Transformation & Transcendence Roundtable Podcast Franklin Sollars, with Farid Alsabeh, Joshua Morrow, and Ben Bennett-Carpenter "Frustration is a part of life, but it can be a helpful tool in growth and advancement. Working with frustration instead of shutting it out, accepting it as a dance partner in life, and using it as a collaborator, you can accomplish more in life and lead a more fulfilling life. The Roundtable discusses frustration and how to handle and treat difficulties in life. Our hosts discuss how to use frustration as a tool to move forward and grow in life, inching closer to your goals." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrWF3kx8ysk "Memetica is a romantic spirituality in an age of scientific secularism. ALL of this may be described in coherence with science and with a secular philosophy and polity.
Memetica is a romantic spirituality in an age of religious humanism. It fits with a religious outlook that, one way or another, always comes back around to humanity, even as it pursues divinity. Memetica is a romantic spirituality in an age of ideational authoritarianism. One idea of one set of ideas centered in one set of authorities is romantic. Humans, generally speaking, desire such a one-ness, even in, and precisely because, they live within and also desire diversity and plurality. But a ‘spirituality’ so to speak of ‘memetica ecologica’ offers unity and diversity, the e pluribus unum. (Los Estados Unidos de Memetica.) (People’s Republic of Memetica.)" -Fragments of Memetica, No. 13., adapted [20201009] Image credit: LBC, 2019 "Pending" and "Top Floor" at Unlikely Stories Mark V
"It's the twelfth of December and no one is stirring." https://www.unlikelystories.org/content/pending-and-top-floor "[Memetica] offers us a way ‘to have it all together’ in a way that feels like it could be enough or more than enough for any individual, while also captivating large portions of, or the whole, world.
It’s the sense of The One within one individual and also as one people: One · One · One Part of the romance is the poetics of mathematics, the pure geographic, geometry of an individual point moving in space-time and all the differential value that creates at every second. This, not this, this, not this, this, not this, not this, not this, not this, this, and so on unendingly." -Fragments of Memetica, No. 12, pt. 2 [20201009] "What is the spiritual path?" / Discussion of the book Love Outraged by Franklin Sollars
Transformation & Transcendence Roundtable Podcast Franklin Sollars, with Farid Alsabeh, Joshua Morrow, and Ben Bennett-Carpenter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZuAMQOCNH4www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZuAMQOCNH4 Point of Turn live performance @ MOCA Geffen -- Los Angeles (May 13, 2023)
Postponed due to weather in February, Alan Nakagawa's "Point of Turn" project returns to the MOCA Geffen schedule as part of KCHUNG radio's line up of performances: Saturday, May 13, 2pm-6pm, in Los Angeles "...Point of Turn, is Nakagawa’s first vibratory sound work involving the human voice; utilizing collected stories about moments or events that resulted in someone leaving their organized religion. For this work, the combining of these stories and the analog data stretching of a verse and chorus of the 1970’s seminal pop band, 10CC’s hit song, I’m Not in Love. Point of Turn is a commission by Prospect Arts." https://www.moca.org/program/kchung-public-labor Call for Papers in the areas of media law, policy and ethics:
The Journal of Media Law & Ethics (ISSN 1940-9389) invites theoretical and analytical manuscripts that advance the understanding of media law and ethics in society. Submissions may have a legal, historical, or social science orientation, but they must focus on media law, policy or ethics. All theoretical perspectives are welcome. All manuscripts undergo blind peer review. ... Past issues have published articles in disinformation, social media influencing, defamation, privacy, copyright, censorship, licensing, indecency, media access, reporters’ privilege, news accuracy, bias, rule of law, and media literacy. Submissions in these and similar areas that explore legal, policy, and ethical issues facing the media are welcome. Access to JMLE is available to the public online at no charge. https://www.k-state.edu/media-communication/research/journal/CFP-JMLE.pdf Poems Wanted for next issue of Cruel Garters (No. 14)
https://cruelgarters.submittable.com/submit?fbclid=IwAR0bbz_M8cJ7UY4q0IZ--KspP_yIlsfKZhPpNplEdRhyBtBUUKOLPnU8_nA "Surrendering and Transforming Your Ego Self"
Transformation & Transcendence Roundtable Podcast Franklin Sollars, with Lea Dickinson, Joshua Morrow, and Ben Bennett-Carpenter "The group of life coaches and therapists discuss building your ego and how it helps you grow. Ego is essential to your self-esteem and confidence and realizing you have consistent opportunities to grow. So many may think that ego is just about being too full of pride, but ego is on a spectrum. Finding your balance on the spectrum to handle your growth so you can transcend in life is important." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgkyJwWaQQc "Everything is up on the marquee."
Book of Matches, Issue 8 (Spring 2023) -- out now: https://online.fliphtml5.com/qoqiq/vjoi/#p=159 |
AuthorBenjamin Bennett-Carpenter writes philosophy and poetry. Teaches at a public university in North America. Consults/coaches (executive, life, creative). Archives
September 2024
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