'In any verbal scenario, as Naour (2009) points out, affirmative 'words can substitute for the actual [physical, body-to-body] contact comfort such as mother to child. In short order, in such scenarios words become powerful as secondary reinforcers to condition new behavior or to sustain formerly acquired behavior.' (10) This behavior can include new and sustained use of [a particular] phrase by individuals within [particular language-using] groups.'
-XJ, p. 96
'Memetica is the Big Drama we're all acting within, against, or alongside now.'
-Memetica Ecological project notes, 26 Sept 2020 'It is everyday life which measures and embodies the changes which take place "somewhere else", in the "higher realms".'
-H. Lefebvre, in The Everyday (Johnstone, ed.), p. 32 https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/everyday 'Memento vivere is the question of how we live within, or in interaction with, memetica ecologica.
What are the particular ideas and actions that make up our lives within, or in interaction with, our 'world' of embodied information? Our brains and bodies (they are one) DO. What do they do? Their actions have effects. What are those effects? The effects (of those actions) calcify and become routines and artifacts. What are those routines? What are those artifacts?' -Memento Vivere project notes, 4 Oct 2020 'while enthusiastic or ecstatic elements are included in what I take to be transformative, I include much more mundane and graduated development as also a part of "transformative experience"'
-DD, p. 22 '...despite our global connectivity, an individual may struggle just as much as ever, or even more, to feel connected with other people.'
-Gibelyou & Northrop, Big Ideas, p. 242 |
AuthorBenjamin Bennett-Carpenter writes philosophy and poetry. Teaches at a public university in North America. Consults/coaches (executive, life, creative). Archives
September 2024
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