'A major part of 'waking up' is becoming aware of "memetica ecologica." But as all-encompassing and absorbing as memetica ecologica may be and is, it only represents a "positive" and cannot ever encapsulate "the negative."
That is, as we live, move, and have our being within an ecology of information, there is always an elusive quality, like trying to hold water in your hand, that ever escapes human quantification.' -Memento Vivere project notes, 26 Sept 2020
'...texts, images, objects, and other items are artifacts of practice
...that practice is not only active or interactive, but also transformative and...it is by way of symbols or signs, and sign-systems, that human beings constitute society for themselves" -DD, p. 21, adapted 'To be educated as a citizen is to be capable of entering into the human conversation as a responsible agent of truth.'
-Sokolowski, Phenomenology, p. 205 Seen these? Gottmans' card decks app:
https://www.gottman.com/couples/apps/?fbclid=IwAR1orrI6_JcMZ4BPhWJ8ZfTOWeDqqw-WDaq1jasX4JJswrPyufi6DAXtxVs 'Dystopias are just as seductive as utopias. These -topias are totalizing, fantastic places in our heads (and may reflect or become our reality) -- heads that are connected to our bodies (which in fact are our bodies) -- that don't adequately map the territory of our experiences, of human experience, let alone observation and experimentation.'
-Memetica Ecologica project notes, 25 Sept 2020 'Specific instances of [lingo-use] depend upon the situation, the behavior, and the consequences -- including positive, partial, or negative reinforcement or punishment -- of that use, non-use, or intermittent use.'
XJ, p. 95 'The ambiguity of the ego consists in the fact that something that is a part of the world can stand over against the world, and even "possess" or be correlated with the world.'
-R. Sokolowski, Intro to Phenomenology, p. 113 https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/introduction-to-phenomenology/E674F6D1A67EB5EA0BAD016711487D9D |
AuthorBenjamin Bennett-Carpenter writes philosophy and poetry. Teaches at a public university in North America. Consults/coaches (executive, life, creative). Archives
September 2024
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